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Please click here to read Part 2: https://www.allianceengineering.ca/industry/geothermal-energy-in-commercial-buildings-an-argument-for-efficiency/

Since geothermal energy relies on heat from the earth and not fossil fuels it is much more reliable. Fossil fuels are not being replenished while the source of geothermal heat is. This form of energy is created through the radioactive decay of minerals which occurs at a very quick rate.

A geothermal heat pump can extract energy from earth anywhere in the world and any projected heat extraction is small compared to the Earth’s heat content. Geothermal energy is also considered to have great potential for reducing the impact of global warming due to its low emissions.

Please click here to read Part 4: https://www.allianceengineering.ca/industry/geothermal-energy-in-commercial-buildings-fostering-environmental-sustainability/